速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Australian Citizenship 2019

Australian Citizenship 2019



檔案大小:48.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Australian Citizenship 2019(圖1)-速報App

After you finished reading the official document: Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond (located here: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Citizenship/Documents/our-common-bond.PDF). You can download this app to test your knowledge on the citizenship test questions.

Some quick background information about the Australian Citizenship Test.

There are two sections in the full document (Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond).

One section is the "Testable section" which all the questions in the citizenship test are based on the information contained in this testable section. This is the information you will be tested on.

Part 1—Australia and its people

Part 2—Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties

Part 3—Government and the law in Australia


You will be tested with 20 questions, and you will need to answer 15 out 20 questions correctly or get a 75% to pass test.

Australian Citizenship 2019(圖2)-速報App

The other section is the "Non-testable section" which this non-testable section contains information that will help you to understand the history and culture of Australia. You will not be tested on this information.

Part 4—Australia today

Part 5—Our Australian story

Glossary and Acknowledgements

Our app features:

-TEST mode - this mode simulates the actual exam which randomly chooses 20 questions from the question bank.

-STARRED mode - this mode allows you to favorite or save the questions that you have difficulty with.

-REVIEW mode - this mode will test your Australian citizenship knowledge with all the questions in the bank.

-CRAMMING mode - this mode reveals all the answers in the bank to allow you quickly memorizing the question and answer combo.

Australian Citizenship 2019(圖3)-速報App

-LISTEN mode - this mode automatically plays all the questions and answers audio sounds without touching your phone.

Keywords: Australian Citizenship Test, Civics Test, Our Common Bond, Testable Section, pass, practice, free, Australia, Australian Citizenship Test 2018

Australian Citizenship 2019(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad